Mission Return the celebrating and teaching of our Judeo-Christian Founding Values (with its Jesus message of unity) to the public square, including public schools.
Background "Jesus love can unite us,” is the essence of Pope Francis’ new Encyclical (Dilexit Nos, Oct 23, 2024). In America's Founding that uniting message (love God, love your neighbor as yourself) joined with the Biblical Prophets to create a Judeo-Christian “New Order of the Ages" government. (See: Great Seal of United States on One Dollar bill “Novus Ordo Seclorum" - Latin for “New Order of the Ages.”) That message has been erased from the California State Board of Education Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, replaced with Mayan chants and Kwanzaa, and more. The Pope’s Encyclical urges it is the privilege and duty of each of us to meditate, celebrate, and teach Jesus love now, before it is too late. In California that necessarily includes the right to equal time with the study of Mayan chants and Kwanzaa for the study of our Judeo-Christian heritage with its Jesus love of neighbor message. Our soon to be published book, From Woke to Woken, tells why and how to get to equal time - and it’s legality.
Mission Return the celebrating and teaching of our Judeo-Christian Founding Values (see Founding Fathers Gifting Tree) to the public square, including public schools.
TeachtheTree: Lesson Plan Goal: America's Founding Values and Principles "Thanksgiving to Christmas" Lesson Plan be approved by Local School Boards and City Counsils and added to every Public School Ethnic Studies Curriculum, as appropriate. (In California, School Districts can be legally obligated to grant approval.)
The Founding Fathers Gifting Tree symbolizes America’s Judeo-Christian heritage, celebrating its manners, morals, and principles as embedded in the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, the Great Seal of the United States.
Background: As noted in our soon to be published book From Woke to Woken, from the beginning America’s social order is grounded in our Judeo-Christian heritage - a heritage espousing, among other things: a Creator (God) endowing unalienable rights; teaching Jesus philosophy of love of neighbor; guaranteeing the right to deny the existence of God; and, demanding the free exercise of religion.
Since the mid-1960s God and Jesus have been and are being erased from the public square. The continuing erasure from Ethnic Studies Curricula (starting with California) demands immediate action. From Woke to Woken should be read by every concerned parent in California - and let their voices be heard – before it’s too late.
Contact: Bud@StJudeOnInternet.org
* Teach the Tree Lesson Plan: (to be announced).
* Book: From Woke to Woken (to be announced).
Random Legal Points
* The California State Board of Education Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum teaches moral values. See: Values and Principles of Ethnic Studies, Chapter 1, lines 252-280: “Given the range and complexity of the field, it is important to identify the key values of ethnic studies as a means to offer guidance for the development of ethnic studies courses, teaching, and learning. The foundational values of ethnic studies are housed in the conceptual model of the “double helix” which interweaves holistic humanization and critical consciousness. Humanization includes the values of love, respect, hope, and solidarity, which are based on celebration of community cultural wealth. The values in humanization and critical consciousness are the guiding values each ethnic studies lesson should include.”
* The Model Curriculum teaches moral values, specifically setting out the teaching of love, hope, respect, solidarity, setting out as non-mandated examples: Mayan Chants, Kwanzaa
* According to California Education Code 233.5 (a), teachers must teach their pupils the manners and the morals and the principles of a free government. Teaching a free government, by definition, requires the teaching of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage (which includes the Jesus philosophy of, “love God, love your neighbor as yourself”), the building blocks of America’s Founding Documents, the first free government in world history.
* Teaching All Sdes of the Same Event: In that the Model Curriculum teaches the manners and moral values and principles of Social Justice, permission from the local School Board for Lesson Plans adding our Judeo-Christian heritage (as the moral common ground of America’s social order) to their Ethnic Studies Curriculum cannot be denied just because it may be seen by some as religious.
* The California Model Curriculum specifically teaches Kwanzaa
If you can teach Kwanzaa,
You can teach Christmas:
From Woke To Woken
Jesus Philosophy In our country “Jesus Philosophy” is a religious sounding phrase for a non-religious, complex idea: the common values of America’s social order, fundamental to her culture of lawfulness. The values of our nation are derived from the Bible’s commitment to individual moral accountability, the God-imposed duty to do the right thing, coupled with the Jesus teaching “love your neighbor as yourself.” As embodied in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the Great Seal, Jesus Philosophy not only, on the one hand, embraces a Creator, unalienable rights, moral law, but, on the other hand, guarantees the freedom of thought and speech to reject God and the concept of moral law. While America’s wondrous success is obvious, polarizing differences of opinions as to solutions to our country's problems are straining the fabric of our social order. Healing requires starting at common ground - love of neighbor - as in Jesus Philosophy.
Creating a Democracy
The Christian religion has not created a successful democracy.
Nor has Islam.
Nor has Atheistic Communism.
Nor has Buddhism.
Nor has Confucianism.
Nor has Hinduism.
Nor has Zoroastrianism.
Americans have the constitutional right to believe in a God of choice and/or not believe in any God or anything spiritual at all.
Notwithstanding, Jesus is the most influential person in the history of the Western World, maybe the whole world.
Americans celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus, generating hope:
As long as there's Christmas I truly believe
That hope is the greatest of the gifts we'll receive
As long as our guiding star shines above
There will always be a Christmas
So there always will be a time
When the world is filled with peace and love. (From Beauty and the Beast)
The birth of Jesus is the birth of the Jesus ethical system:
The Jesus ethical system is the greatest the world has ever seen. - Thomas Jefferson
He (Jesus) came to promulgate a system of doctrines and of morals. Benjamin Rush (Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention delegate)
As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals . . ., [is] the best the world ever saw or is likely to see. Benjamin Franklin
“It’s better to give than receive.” - Christmas Fundamental
The Jesus ethical system joined with the Jewish Prophets:
Birthing a shared biblical morality, a Judeo-Christian philosophy.
Contact us at: bud@stjudeoninternet.org