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  • The Power of Jude, 2nd Edition
    The Power of Jude, 2nd Edition
  • Learn To Live Again: God Created Us-We Create Tomorrow
    Learn To Live Again: God Created Us-We Create Tomorrow
  • Mary's Son: A Tale of Christmas
    Mary's Son: A Tale of Christmas

About Us

St. Jude on Internet (SJOI) is a California nonprofit evangelical corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax free corporation, and by the U.S. Postal Service as a charitable nonprofit corporation.

We formed our nonprofit in 1995. Since that time nativity scenes have been kicked off the Palisades in Santa Monica, Winter Break has replaced Christmas Vacation on government calendars, the YMCA dropped Christian from its name, now known as "The Y," saying Merry Christmas in public places became almost demeaning, efforts are being made to take "In God We Trust" off of our coins and currency, and prayers before football games are illegal, just to name a few. All this shouldn’t be happening.

Our very Democracy is at risk. Soon the Jesus ethical system will be forgotten. Soon, freedom of religion will mean no religion. Freedom of assembly will mean walking down the street with clubs and intimidation. Freedom of speech at prestigious universities will mean “I’m free to shout down people I don’t want to hear.” (Uh, wait a minute. Isn’t this already happening!)

But times are changing. The Trump presidency is opening a window of opportunity. Nonprofits can support candidates (without risking the loss of our 501(c)(3) status) if it’s in the ordinary course of their nonprofit’s business. SJOI is uniquely situated. We've been in the ordinary course of putting God in public places, business since 1995. We're not sure there's very many like us, if any.

If your candidate wants to put the symbols of truth, integrity, and love of God and neighbor back into the public square, please contact us. If we can help, we want to discuss how we might be able to. Send us an email.

Bud (